Episode 508

Published on:

15th Aug 2023

A Wheelhouse Classic Episode: Feedback isn't Enough: Accomplishment-Driven Leaders Think Growth

It's that time of year! We are either already underway in the 2023-2024 school year or we are in the midst welcoming staff back and preparing for our students to return. Last week we talked about the opening days of the school year ADL style. This week, we're going to revisit a Wheelhouse Classic Episode from Season 4. Back in March 2023, Grant, Kathy and Penny were deep in weekly discussions about the many paradigm shifts Accomplishment-Driven Leaders make as they choose a new destination and a different way of getting there. In this episode, they talked about moving beyond feedback to steering, supporting and expecting growth for all those who are in their charge. As the new year begins, let's commit to growth and recognize that feedback alone will never get us to where we really need to go for each learner!

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About the Podcast

The Wheelhouse
Exploring Teaching, Learning, & Leading
The Wheelhouse exists to create an inclusive community of empowered educators who believe that, together, we can disrupt the transactional herding nature of schooling to create districts, schools, and classrooms where each student feels confident, optimistic, capable, well-supported, and emboldened to be and to become who they are meant to be.

Guiding Principles
1. We are steadfastly committed to each learner and each educator believing they are distinctive and irreplaceable.
2. We believe that educating our children should be a humanizing, relational, and transformational endeavor. All else is secondary.
3. We believe that dignity is a birthright; it is not earned. Each child deserves a future filled with open doors and unlimited possibilities. Our work is in service to this central aspiration.
4. We believe that each human life is unique and precious; as such we are compelled to remove aspects of schooling that disregard any student’s dignity.

About your host

Profile picture for Grant Chandler

Grant Chandler

Along with Kathleen Budge, Grant A. Chandler, Ph.D. is the author Powerful Student Care: Honoring Each Learning as Distinctive & Irreplaceable (ASCD, 2023). Chandler brings over 35 years of practical experience as a high school teacher, building and central office administrator, higher education dean, professional learning director in an outreach department at a large research university, and as a technical support provider and executive coach. He is currently the president and chief executive officer of Students Matter. Since 2005, Chandler has provided technical support to over 350 districts in developing systemic approaches to solving student learning issues and was recognized by the US Department of Education as a national expert in small learning communities. He has designed and led professional learning experiences at many levels of the K-12 arena and for many different audiences and has conducted numerous workshops at national, state, and regional conferences. His consultancies include boards of education, state and regional service providers; as well as individual schools and local districts across the United States and internationally. In his spare time, he’s writing a children’s book and raises standard poodles for animal assisted activities. Contact him at grantchandler@ourstudentsmatter.org or www.linkedin.com/in/grant-a-chandler.