The Wheelhouse
Exploring Teaching, Learning, & Leading
The Wheelhouse exists to create an inclusive community of empowered educators who believe that, together, we can disrupt the transactional herding nature of schooling to create districts, schools, and classrooms where each student feels confident, optimistic, capable, well-supported, and emboldened to be and to become who they are meant to be.
Guiding Principles
1. We are steadfastly committed to each learner and each educator believing they are distinctive and irreplaceable.
2. We believe that educating our children should be a humanizing, relational, and transformational endeavor. All else is secondary.
3. We believe that dignity is a birthright; it is not earned. Each child deserves a future filled with open doors and unlimited possibilities. Our work is in service to this central aspiration.
4. We believe that each human life is unique and precious; as such we are compelled to remove aspects of schooling that disregard any student’s dignity.